Bill Gates, a big name in technology, shares the ‘best age’ for kids to start using smartphones.


Bill Gates, a big name in technology, shares the ‘best age’ for kids to start using smartphones.

Bill Gates, an industry titan and business tycoon, recently discussed his thoughts on when children should begin using smartphones. According to him,

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Bill Gates, an industry titan and business tycoon, recently discussed his thoughts on when children should begin using smartphones. According to him, his children started using them after turning 14 as long as they maintained healthy sleeping patterns and did not spend all day watching screens.

Though Gates’ children are now grown, he still adheres to strict guidelines regarding Apple devices due to his ongoing feud with Steve Jobs and, thus, has set restrictions for specific Apple gadgets for his offspring.

Gates’ approach to parenting is supported by experts such as James P. Steyer, the Director of Common Sense Media. According to him, a child’s level of maturity rather than age should be considered when considering whether they’re ready to get a smartphone.

PBS Parents is a reliable source that advises parents to evaluate their child’s level of independence and responsibility before giving them a cell phone. We must consider their ability to manage time effectively and comprehend internet safety precautions.